Health and Well-Being

Practicing self-care this Christmas

  Christmas is fast approaching, and the 2017 year is nearing a close. For many the festive season is a time of giving, spending time with loved ones, and let’s not forget the elaborate feasts! It’s all too often that we get caught up in the hype of the festive season, whether it be buying […]

Medicare Funded Online Counselling (Telehealth)

DID YOU KNOW….? As of 1st November 2017, Psychologists will be able to provide video counselling to patients in rural and remote areas of Australia. These sessions will be subsidised by Medicare under a Mental Health Care Plan (Better Access). What is considered rural and remote? This will be based on the Modified Monash Model […]

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

What is an Employee Assistance Program? An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an arrangement between an organisation and its employees to provide a variety of support programs for the employees. This can include assessment, short-term counselling, referrals, and on-site support for critical incidents. EAP is a voluntary counselling service designed to assist employees to address […]

Men’s Health Week

June 12th 2017 marks the start of Men’s Health Week. Although it’s very normal for my peers and I to see a psychologist for support, us psychologists are very much aware of the stigma around seeking this type of assistance, which is even more amplified for men. Why? One reason is because you must be […]

Getting a better night’s sleep

Sleep is an important part of our well-being. Just ask a shift worker, a new mother, emergency service employees, a student studying for an exam,  people who travel overseas for work… being tired and exhausted doesn’t feel good.Sleep can affect:How we feelHow we meet the demands of the dayHow well we manage stressOur body’s ability […]

What can you expect when you visit a Psychologist at Your Mind Matters Psychology Services?

Coming to see a Psychologist can be rather daunting. Who wakes up in the morning and says, “I’d love to chat to a complete stranger about my deepest fears, thoughts, and feelings, and see what they think?”  We understand that the idea of speaking with someone about your worries opens the floodgates to “what if…?” […]

Coping with Bereavement

Bereavement affects people in different ways. There’s no right or wrong way to feel. Experts generally accept that people usually move through four stages of bereavement:  accepting that your loss is real experiencing the pain of grief adjusting to life without the person who has died  putting less emotional energy into grieving and putting it into something […]

Overcome Mental Exhaustion

5 Ways to Overcome Mental Exhaustion Feel like you’re at the end of your tether?  Here are 5 simple tips to recharge mentally that don’t require much of a commitment of energy you don’t have. Tip 1- Spot small opportunities to rest your mind. I know we are all encouraged to multitask, and often do […]

Work-life balance

In this day and age, it can often become difficult to maintain a healthy work -life balance. With the increasing demands of work, the boundaries between work and home can easily become blurred. An imbalance in work life and personal life can lead to increased stress levels. There can be several devastating consequences to poor work-life balance: Fatigue: […]