Author: laura

The Upstairs/Downstairs Brain – Why kids have a hard time managing feelings and emotions.

We have all had moments where we have felt overwhelmed and dysregulated. Swamped by big feelings and emotions, it can feel like they have control of our body, rather than the other way round. For children, this can be a particularly scary experience, and they can struggle to calm down. Teaching children about how their […]

How can a diagnosis be helpful: to assess my child or not?

Image source: Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash   Why an assessment may be helpful? Is your child experiencing difficulties concentrating at school, establishing and maintaining friendships, or unable to meet their academic requirements? There may be more going on for your child than simply misbehaving or not fitting in. More often than not, children […]

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): What is it? And how can we support individuals with a PDA profile?

Image source:   What is Pathological Demand Avoidance Pathological demand avoidance, or Pervasive Drive for Autonomy (PDA)*, is an anxiety-driven need for control and resistance to demands/expectations that threaten a sense of autonomy. Whilst everyone experiences demand avoidance at times (e.g., refusing to complete homework or household chores), for individuals with PDA, everyday demands […]

Understanding and Managing Children’s Challenging Behaviours – For parents

Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash   Have you ever experienced the challenge of navigating a teenager’s sudden outbursts or trying to calm a younger child’s meltdown in a crowded store? It’s a common scenario for many parents.   Understanding why the challenging behaviour occurs Psychologist Ross Greene’s Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) approach emphasises […]

Working through trauma from a schema therapy lens

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash   My previous blog aimed at providing a brief overview of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder. Click here to read more: This blog focuses on how therapy can aid in processing past traumatic or upsetting experiences.   There is an abundance of research on various modalities for working […]

Breaking the Cycle: Why Avoidance Behaviours Lead to More Avoidance

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash   Anxiety can be an uncomfortable and distressing feeling that we want to get rid of. This can lead to making choices that will alleviate our anxiety in the quickest way. Avoidance behaviours can encompass a wide range of physical and mental actions, from procrastination and refusing to think […]

Coping with the Stress of Year 12’s Final Semester with Strategies for Success

Photo by Windows on Unsplash   The final year of high school, Year 12, is a crucial period in a student’s academic journey. It’s a time filled with academic pressures, applications for further study for some, and the looming sense of transition into adulthood. Coping with the stress of the year 12’s final semester is […]