Blogs Anxiety management | Emotional wellbeing | Mood disorders | Skills development DISTRESS TOLERANCE – AN INTRODUCTION TO A DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOUR THERAPY (DBT) PRINCIPLE 11/09/202406/11/2024 Uncategorized Do you have a fear that’s holding you back? Overcoming Fears 20/06/202406/11/2024 Child development and parenting | Child Therapy | Uncategorized The Upstairs/Downstairs Brain – Why kids have a hard time managing feelings and emotions. 17/06/202416/01/2025 Health and Well-Being | Self care | Stress management Self-compassion: Why is it important? 01/05/202416/01/2025 Assessment | Neurodiversity How can a diagnosis be helpful: to assess my child or not? 30/03/202416/01/2025 Child development and parenting | Neurodiversity Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): What is it? And how can we support individuals with a PDA profile? 06/03/202416/01/2025 Child development and parenting Understanding and Managing Children’s Challenging Behaviours – For parents 13/02/202406/11/2024 Anxiety management | Trauma Working through trauma from a schema therapy lens 11/01/202416/01/2025 Anxiety management | Stress management Breaking the Cycle: Why Avoidance Behaviours Lead to More Avoidance 11/11/202316/01/2025 Communication skills | Stress management Assertiveness: What does it look like and why it’s important 13/10/202316/01/2025 Health and Well-Being | Stress management | Teen health and well-being Coping with the Stress of Year 12’s Final Semester with Strategies for Success 20/09/202316/01/2025 Body image & eating disorders Understanding the function of an eating disorder (Infographic) 10/08/202306/11/2024 Addiction The Craving Cycle: A CBT Concept for Managing Addiction 16/06/202316/01/2025 Health and Well-Being How to Succeed in Achieving Your Goals: A Quick Guide to Changeology 10/05/202316/01/2025 Anxiety management Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 08/05/202316/01/2025 Couples Therapy | Relationships Couples conflict: Why do we keep hurting each other and fighting about the same thing? 25/02/202316/01/2025 Assessment | Neurodiversity Learning Assessments: What, When, Why and How? 06/02/202306/11/2024 Child development and parenting | Child Therapy What is Play Therapy? And how can it help your child? 30/01/202316/01/2025 Child development and parenting | Neurodiversity A Neurodiversity-Affirming Approach: What Is It and How Can It Support Your Child(ren)? 17/01/202316/01/2025 Child development and parenting | Mood disorders Postpartum depression 06/01/202306/11/2024 Trauma A brief overview of trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 09/11/202206/11/2024 Mood disorders Major Depression – More Than Just Feeling Blue 12/09/202206/11/2024 Self care Burnout: Is that what you’ve been feeling and what to do about it? 30/08/202216/01/2025 Domestic violence What is Coercive Control? 30/08/202206/11/2024 Grief, loss & adjustment How to Talk about Death With Adults and Children 14/06/202206/11/2024 Anxiety management | Mood disorders | Stress management So….what is CBT exactly? (Podcast Episode!) 01/05/202206/11/2024 AAT How can a therapy dog benefit me in my sessions? 01/05/202216/01/2025 Anxiety management | Child development and parenting | Relationships Moving on from Parentification 08/04/202216/01/2025 Anxiety management | Mood disorders | Self care | Stress management Understanding Your Thoughts 21/03/202216/01/2025 Relationships Relationships – The House that Makes a Home – 28/01/202216/01/2025 Self care | Stress management Mind Full or Mindful? 12/12/202116/01/2025 Self care Are you really practicing gratitude? 07/10/202116/01/2025 Child development and parenting What is the best way to parent your child(ren)? 07/08/202106/11/2024 Health and Well-Being | Mood disorders | Self care | Stress management Importance of Self-Compassion 26/07/202106/11/2024 Uncategorized Dealing with marital separation and divorce 21/07/202116/01/2025 Employment and work-related issues | Stress management Maintaining Motivation 21/07/202106/11/2024 Relationships The 5 Love Languages…More than Just a Gimmick? 15/03/202106/11/2024 Child development and parenting Supporting Primary School children with managing school anxiety 13/02/202106/11/2024 Grief, loss & adjustment Managing Grief and Loss 22/01/202106/11/2024 Self care Self-care This Holiday Season 07/01/202106/11/2024 Grief, loss & adjustment Adapting to Change 03/11/202016/01/2025 Sleep How to get a better nights’ sleep 16/10/202006/11/2024 AAT Animal-assisted therapy at Your Mind Matters Psychology Services 03/08/202016/01/2025 Sleep Why Everyone Needs Their Beauty Rest 08/07/202006/11/2024 Grief, loss & adjustment Are you trying to cope with a loss? 19/06/202006/11/2024 Uncategorized How We Feel in Our Body and Intense Feelings 02/06/202016/01/2025 Grief, loss & adjustment Dealing with a life changing diagnosis: Providing support or being a carer 18/05/202006/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Maintaining emotional wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic 14/04/202006/11/2024 Health and Well-Being How YMM can support you during the COVID-19 pandemic 22/03/202006/11/2024 Self care Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 – How to make it your best year. 01/01/202006/11/2024 Anxiety management | Health and Well-Being | Men’s Health Accessing Support over our Christmas Closure 13/12/201906/11/2024 Child development and parenting | Grief, loss & adjustment What Now? Life after a formal diagnosis of Autism 14/11/201906/11/2024 Employment and work-related issues Beating The Monday Morning Blues 12/10/201906/11/2024 Child development and parenting Challenging Behaviours: What is your Child’s Behaviour Trying to Communicate? 14/08/201916/01/2025 Anxiety management | Stress management Coping and Managing with Workplace Stress 24/07/201906/11/2024 Self care Self Care Resources 26/06/201919/12/2024 Uncategorised Have you heard about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and would like to know more? 14/06/201906/11/2024 Health and Well-Being The Relationship Between Diet and Mood 17/05/201906/11/2024 Health and Well-Being How to cope when you can’t fall pregnant 10/04/201906/11/2024 Child development and parenting Anger in Children 28/03/201906/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Goal Setting 11/02/201906/11/2024 Uncategorized Navigating the NDIS 13/12/201806/11/2024 Anxiety management | Health and Well-Being Incorporating relaxation into everyday life 12/11/201816/01/2025 Health and Well-Being | Teen health and well-being Handy tips towards improved mental health in adolescents 18/10/201806/11/2024 Mood disorders Dealing with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder 01/10/201806/11/2024 Health and Well-Being | Uncategorized Overcoming Procrastination 30/07/201806/11/2024 Child development and parenting Screen Time – How Much Is Too Much? When Is It a Problem? 30/07/201806/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Knowing when to seek help 29/06/201806/11/2024 Child development and parenting Autism Spectrum and Sensory Issues 21/06/201806/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Quick Self-Care Tools for Parents 04/06/201806/11/2024 Uncategorised Confidentiality – What You Need To Know 28/05/201816/01/2025 Health and Well-Being An Introduction to Mindfulness 29/04/201806/11/2024 Anxiety management | Child development and parenting Helping Children & Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder & Anxiety 26/03/201806/11/2024 Health and Well-Being What is self-esteem and how do I improve it? 12/03/201806/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Building Resilience 26/02/201806/11/2024 Child development and parenting Preparing Your Child For School 03/01/201806/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Practicing self-care this Christmas 10/12/201706/11/2024 Relationships Relationships and Communication – How important is communication in a romantic relationship? 25/11/201706/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Medicare Funded Online Counselling (Telehealth) 23/10/201706/11/2024 Child development and parenting 如何让孩子学习两种语言 07/08/201706/11/2024 Employment and work-related issues Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) 03/07/201716/01/2025 Men’s Health Men’s Health Week 09/06/201706/11/2024 Child development and parenting Supporting your children to learn two languages 16/05/201706/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Getting a better night’s sleep 05/05/201706/11/2024 Anxiety management Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 18/04/201706/11/2024 Health and Well-Being What can you expect when you visit a Psychologist at Your Mind Matters Psychology Services? 03/04/201706/11/2024 Anxiety management What is Anxiety? 14/11/201606/11/2024 Addiction A Word on Addiction 21/10/201606/11/2024 Child development and parenting Tipsheets for Helping Children with Challenging Behaviours 05/10/201606/11/2024 Anxiety management | Health and Well-Being | Mood disorders World Suicide Prevention Day 07/09/201606/11/2024 Health and Well-Being | Mood disorders Coping with Bereavement 04/08/201606/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Overcome Mental Exhaustion 01/06/201606/11/2024 Anxiety management Dealing with Catastrophic Thinking 29/04/201606/11/2024 Health and Well-Being Work-life balance 27/04/201606/11/2024
Anxiety management | Emotional wellbeing | Mood disorders | Skills development DISTRESS TOLERANCE – AN INTRODUCTION TO A DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOUR THERAPY (DBT) PRINCIPLE 11/09/202406/11/2024
Child development and parenting | Child Therapy | Uncategorized The Upstairs/Downstairs Brain – Why kids have a hard time managing feelings and emotions. 17/06/202416/01/2025
Health and Well-Being | Self care | Stress management Self-compassion: Why is it important? 01/05/202416/01/2025
Assessment | Neurodiversity How can a diagnosis be helpful: to assess my child or not? 30/03/202416/01/2025
Child development and parenting | Neurodiversity Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): What is it? And how can we support individuals with a PDA profile? 06/03/202416/01/2025
Child development and parenting Understanding and Managing Children’s Challenging Behaviours – For parents 13/02/202406/11/2024
Anxiety management | Stress management Breaking the Cycle: Why Avoidance Behaviours Lead to More Avoidance 11/11/202316/01/2025
Communication skills | Stress management Assertiveness: What does it look like and why it’s important 13/10/202316/01/2025
Health and Well-Being | Stress management | Teen health and well-being Coping with the Stress of Year 12’s Final Semester with Strategies for Success 20/09/202316/01/2025
Body image & eating disorders Understanding the function of an eating disorder (Infographic) 10/08/202306/11/2024
Health and Well-Being How to Succeed in Achieving Your Goals: A Quick Guide to Changeology 10/05/202316/01/2025
Couples Therapy | Relationships Couples conflict: Why do we keep hurting each other and fighting about the same thing? 25/02/202316/01/2025
Child development and parenting | Child Therapy What is Play Therapy? And how can it help your child? 30/01/202316/01/2025
Child development and parenting | Neurodiversity A Neurodiversity-Affirming Approach: What Is It and How Can It Support Your Child(ren)? 17/01/202316/01/2025
Anxiety management | Mood disorders | Stress management So….what is CBT exactly? (Podcast Episode!) 01/05/202206/11/2024
Anxiety management | Child development and parenting | Relationships Moving on from Parentification 08/04/202216/01/2025
Anxiety management | Mood disorders | Self care | Stress management Understanding Your Thoughts 21/03/202216/01/2025
Health and Well-Being | Mood disorders | Self care | Stress management Importance of Self-Compassion 26/07/202106/11/2024
Child development and parenting Supporting Primary School children with managing school anxiety 13/02/202106/11/2024
Grief, loss & adjustment Dealing with a life changing diagnosis: Providing support or being a carer 18/05/202006/11/2024
Health and Well-Being Maintaining emotional wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic 14/04/202006/11/2024
Anxiety management | Health and Well-Being | Men’s Health Accessing Support over our Christmas Closure 13/12/201906/11/2024
Child development and parenting | Grief, loss & adjustment What Now? Life after a formal diagnosis of Autism 14/11/201906/11/2024
Child development and parenting Challenging Behaviours: What is your Child’s Behaviour Trying to Communicate? 14/08/201916/01/2025
Anxiety management | Stress management Coping and Managing with Workplace Stress 24/07/201906/11/2024
Uncategorised Have you heard about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and would like to know more? 14/06/201906/11/2024
Anxiety management | Health and Well-Being Incorporating relaxation into everyday life 12/11/201816/01/2025
Health and Well-Being | Teen health and well-being Handy tips towards improved mental health in adolescents 18/10/201806/11/2024
Child development and parenting Screen Time – How Much Is Too Much? When Is It a Problem? 30/07/201806/11/2024
Anxiety management | Child development and parenting Helping Children & Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder & Anxiety 26/03/201806/11/2024
Relationships Relationships and Communication – How important is communication in a romantic relationship? 25/11/201706/11/2024
Health and Well-Being What can you expect when you visit a Psychologist at Your Mind Matters Psychology Services? 03/04/201706/11/2024
Child development and parenting Tipsheets for Helping Children with Challenging Behaviours 05/10/201606/11/2024
Anxiety management | Health and Well-Being | Mood disorders World Suicide Prevention Day 07/09/201606/11/2024